By the end of this lesson, my students will be able to … pick and plan an event in which they will make the event known by advertising and promoting. They will show enterprising skills by taking part in organizing the event. |
List the overall and specific expectations this lesson will address. Overall Expectations By the end of this course, students will: • identify and describe the characteristics and contributions of an entrepreneur and the factors affecting successful entrepreneurship; • assess the attitudes and attributes possessed by an enterprising employee; • explain how enterprising employees react to situations of uncertainty and risk; • analyse the potential benefits of an employee’s enterprising attitudes and attributes to both the employee and the employer. |
How will you grab the student’s attention and get them focused (in the right mindset) to learn the material you will be addressing in this lesson? I will use an iTunes app that has the storyline of a girl running for a position in the school who comes up with the idea to throw a party to boost her popularity and out do her competitors. In the process she not only has to plan the party and handle other problems, she also has to find a way to make the party interest every social group in the school.
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What will you get the students to do? (The activity?) My plan is to divide the class into different groups. There will be different social groups and the students acting as entrepreneurs will be asked to outline the planning of an event that interests all social groups. Each day the groups will rotate between different social groups and entrepreneurs so they will all get a chance to plan an event. The student will have to plan how they will catch the groups attention (advertising, presentation, etc). They will present their ideas at the end of the class.
Time Required:
How will you get the students to think about their learning? How will you assess if you have met the expectations and goals of the lesson? Each student who is planning an event will have to talk to each group and understand what the groups are looking for. I will talk with each of the entrepreneur students planning an event to hear what they have in mind to interest every group.
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